Friday 8 January 2016


Time for a Catchup What have we been up to since we left Devon on the 1st January........ We left Grindlebrook at about 12.45 after a long goodbye :-) and arrived in the New Forest after dark (this becomes a recurring theme). Setthorns campsite is just like a large gypsy encampment which was full to bursting with full-timers so we gave up trying to find a spot and wild-camped at Wilverly enclosure ready for the Parkrun there on Saturday morning. Nobody will bother you wild-camping in the New Forest in a non-designated area on the 1st of January!! Saturday 2nd January we did a wet Parkrun - at least it wasn't as muddy as Killerton!! Everybody was slim and fast looking!! We then headed for Barry and Jessica in Surrey; arrived about 3pm. They had a brilliant surprise lined up for us - they'd invited the Neil's for Chinese supper - lots of good food and good times, was great to see them after so many years!! Sunday morning I went with Barry and Jess to their meeting; home for a roast beef lunch and a lazy afternoon. Now I must add that our dogs were allowed in the house, and even got to meet the Neil's dog Boris on Saturday night. Humphrey was ridiculously excited at first - he hardly ever goes into a house so he charged around knocking stuff over and grabbing every soft toy within reach!! In the evening we went out to another meeting for the gospel and then back to Steve and Jane's for supper with many from the church. Monday morning we took the doggies for a nice forest walk, did some shopping and finally left dear Barry and Jess at about 1.30. We headed straight for the ferry port in Dover, arriving at 4ish so we were first in the queue. It was a bit of a bumpy crossing - best just to lie down and imagine you're a baby being rocked gently to sleep in a cradle - even I can handle it then!! We arrived in Calais at 7.30 local time. It was pitch dark, pouring with rain and we were trying to find our way, driving on the opposite side of the road!! The airs de service seemed to just be a dumping and filling station at the petrol station next to E.Leclerc, so we just parked in the carpark - the area which turned out to be staff parking we discovered when they started arriving for work at 7am on Tuesday morning!!

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