Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Part 3...... Sorry there wasn't a part 2 from our first trip to Europe, but here is part 3, second trip to Europe: We spent 2 nights with Barry and Jess in Woking, Surrey, Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th of September. On Monday morning shortly after we got up, Jess came and told us there was fun and games in Calais with protests by farmers and truck drivers to do with the Jungle refugee camp in Calais. Chris checked the ferry website and rang the automated update line and all was running as usual, so we decided to go ahead and leave when we were ready and see if we could get an earlier sailing rather than our booked 21.20pm - we thought it would be better to arrive in the light. There seemed to be a diversion in place out of Calais anyway. We arrived in Dover in thick fog, but it was a bit clearer at the ferry port. They let us straight through and onto a ferry that was leaving in 20 minutes!! So, instead of arriving in the dark, we left at 15.40 and arrived with plenty of daylight to get away from the trouble zone :-) Apart from a very obvious police presence, all was quiet - as Chris said, probably a lot of media hype and not much really going on, always best not to check the news too often. It seems a lot of people must have decided not to go to France via Calais because the ferry was pretty empty and there was nothing doing at the ferry port in Calais (or Dover for that matter). I reckon whoever manufactures those fences they've got up along all the roads around the ferry port must be very wealthy by now!! We headed straight for Dunkerque and a camping car aire - which was chok-a-block full when we got there; some of those people looked like they'd been ensconced there all summer. We went around the corner to a play park and fed and walked the dogs then headed for another camping area, right on the seafront. It was much better, with only 1 German camping car and a hippie bus with 3 English girls who are volunteering at a nearby refugee camp. Apart from lights on all night, it was a good place to camp. The doggies are always glad for a beach to play on - there were a lot of cyclists and runners though - never a good combination with our dogs who chase anything that move!!
Pics: 1) Saying goodbye to Aunty Cheryll and Adam
2) On the beach in Dunkerque
3) Some bunker things on the beach
4) Spot the camper

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