I had never even thought of Belgium as a place to visit, bit it is very pretty although we did find the people a bit dreary = I think they have too much stuff and everything's too perfect!
Next was Holland. We were just passing through the sticky out bit of Holland between Belgium and Germany.
I wonder if anybody of you'all have had a "responsibly fresh" lettuce before, cause we did in Belgium - I think they may have lost something in the translation there. We're finding fruit and veg. extremely cheap here compared with France, Spain and Portugal.
Wednesday night we stayed at a "campsite" in Holland - it was more like somebody just had a very large garden and allowed campers!! There was a little hut with a notice on the door saying that you just needed to put your money in an envelope with your name and address, how many nights you stayed etc. and put it in the post box under the carport - all in Dutch, which thankfully is not a problem for us to understand - not reading it anyway, it can be a bit challenging when they speak.
View to the house of the campsite owners - we never saw them, seems they don't like to be disturbed thus the "put the money in an envelope and get on with your own life".
View towards the road. There were no facilities apart from a couple of hoses and somewhere to empty waste water.
The hut with instructions. There was electricity, but we didn't need.
Cute gate sign made with horseshoes.
In the evening when we walked the dogs down the road, we were pretty far down when two very large Ridgebacks came running down the road by themselves - at first we thought they were with a couple on bicycles, but they were on their own. We had a bit of an encounter and had to do some shouting to get them to back off from our dogs - scary stuff as we have a psychotic terrier that will attack anything, no matter how big, and a large labrador who thinks he's the boss. After Spotty being attacked in Portugal, I confess I'm a bit neurotic with big dogs around him!!
Wednesday night we were in Germany and stayed at a lake - and I didn't take any pictures!!
THURSDAY and we arrived at Helen and Robbie - the whole reason for the trip to Germany was to visit dear Helen whom we haven't seen in probably 18 years - we worked with her at PE Golf Club all those years ago!!
Pictures of their lovely place in the woods will be coming up. We're having a fantastic time doing woolly crafts, walking dogs, cycling and just chilling - it is so beautiful here, they might have to kick us out if they ever want their place back to themselves. We're camping in their driveway :-)
The weather is like summer in South Africa, been a long time since we've experienced heat like this!!
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